this is a slide of 8 types cat breeds ya I couldn't finish it yea hope you enjoy and there is a surprise at the end. :o
this is a slide of 8 types cat breeds ya I couldn't finish it yea hope you enjoy and there is a surprise at the end. :o
1. the first thing we did was get medium size wood boards and got a glue stick and heaps of news papers. we ripped up small pieces of news paper and glued them to the board.
2.then we found around 10 pieces of words and stuck seem on AGAIN.
3. then we painted the boards any colours we wanted.
4. THEN we got a yellow brown sheet and got our photos that we took about a week before we started the self portrait. we got our photos and put black pastel on the back and lade it on the yellowy brown sheet and got a pencil and drew out the outlines of our faces.
5. then we got the yellow brown sheet and got ANOTHER photo of us and put more black pastel on our photo and put it on our board. and get the pencil and do the out line. and done.
My Self portrait